Thankful Friday
Friday, May 7, 2010
My friend, Yvonne, had a great idea. Not that she doesn't have them, but
this one is a good one.
She's blogging once a week about 5 things she is thankful for.
And, I will try (we know how that goes).
I am always thankful for my friends and family. You all mean so much to me, BUT...
I admit, I'm not going to bring you up every week.
If I do, I'm afraid no one will want to read my blog anymore because
they'll be SO sick of reading about you! :D
This week, I am thankful for:
- a good meeting on Monday,
- being able to go and see Alice in Wonderland, AGAIN, with daughter #2,
- an uneventful visit to the dentist with Bo,
- actually being able to sleep through the night,
- finding out I am going to Cabo San Lucos on an ALL EXPENSE paid trip in one month!!!
(tell me this one isn't the best?)