Crazy Obsessed...
Monday, October 6, 2008
Yep, I guess that's what you'd call me. I'm SO into the Twilight series right now, and I have to admit, I have actually read Twilight twice. Yes, twice. I am actually reading New Moon again. (Um, thanks, Kim....look what you started!!)
At least I know I'm not the only "crazy" one out there! (Hey, Yvonne!!) So, in tribute to my madness, part of the cast and crew of Twilight appear in my new banner. No, I'm not finished with it yet....I told you it's an obsession. I guess I'll work on it later this week.
Not much going on here. Got together with my family on Saturday to celebrate my father and sister's birthday. Then, got together with the DH's family yesterday to celebrate his mother's birthday. It's always nice to get together.
And, now, I'm sick. Yucky feeling.... On top of that, I have to work tomorrow. But at least my house is clean. Not picked up, but clean. Just too bad I still have things to do.
But, on a nicer note, I'm getting together with my peeps on Friday for just some good ole "girl time". We're going to go to lunch to celebrate Kristy and Stephanie's birthdays (dare we ask "how old", ladies?) Then, off to scrapbooking we go. So, at least I'll get a break from the doldrums of this week. (did I mention I am so not looking forward to work?) Anyways, I have my page all planned.....da, da, da, da....I'm going to do a page about my Twilight obsession. What else? (I think I'll get around to doing a Harry Potter page, too. That way, someday, my girls can know what a nut their mother was!! Ha!)
October 6, 2008 at 7:23 PM
hehe :) can't wait to see your twilight page! :)
i love the new banner !
October 7, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Okay, I will admit I am not quite as crazed as you, but I will gladly fall into 2nd for twilight obsession. I did love how the ended it, not going to ramble too much about it for those who still wanting to read them.
I cannot wait until Friday either. I am so needing some girl time.
October 8, 2008 at 6:25 PM
hahahahahahahahaha! That's too funny! I love that you girls are as obsessed as I am! :)