It's almost here!!!  

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I cannot stand it! It's almost here! In just a few hours, Twilight will be officially released!

Kristy's got our tickets. Stephanie is almost finished with Breaking Dawn. I've got my Twilight T-shirt and my bracelet. My amber-colored contacts should be here by tomorrow (keep your fingers crossed). Now, all Yvonne and Breanna have to do is GET BETTER! What a rotten time to get sick ~ the few days prior to the release of TWILIGHT!! Woohoo!!

I swear, I'm going to yell and scream at the opening credits! I'm just not going to be able to stand it! Thank goodness it's almost here!

And, officially today, Rob Pattison confirmed that he will be New Moon and Eclipse (when he signed onto Twilight, he thought it was a trilogy. Silly boy!) What more could a girl ask for?

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1 comments: to “ It's almost here!!!

  • Breanna
    November 20, 2008 at 6:17 PM  


    Your about to jump out of your skin arent you? haha.

    I hope me and mom can go tomorrow, I am DIEING to see it.

    And it will suckk if we cant go.

    SO hopefully we will make it.

    Are you still gonna get vampire teeth??