I've been tagged...
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Got tagged by Kristy...So, here goes.
1. name: Nita
2. birthday: December 7
3. wear silver or gold: silver
4. favorite restaurant: Ming's Dynasty in Orlando. They have the BEST dim-sum!!
5. favorite junk food: I love all junk food!
6. favorite candybar: Does it have to be a candy bar? I'm not really a candy bar type-person. I like Godiva truffles!
7. favorite candy: Um, Godiva truffles! Oh, and Lindt milk chocolate balls!
8. favorite store: target, michaels, hobby lobby, griffins
8.5 favorite online store: designer digitals and a million little things
9. do you collect anything: my husband says "junk".
10. favorite movie: HELLO? Twilight!
11. favorite book: TWILIGHT SERIES and the Harry Potter Series
12. something you could never get enough of: craft supplies. books. new plants for my garden.
13. favorite band: My music taste varies. I honestly could not narrow it down to just one.
14. favorite indulgence: starbucks
15. something you never buy yourself but want: a real diamond ring....1 carat....emerald cut. I SO will NEVER see this. The DH does not believe in jewelry. He'd get me a new camera, and honestly, that would be fine with me.
16. favorite color: red.
17. something you are wishing for right now: some new digital brushes, a silver beaded necklace from Target, and a camera lens. Oh, and someone to clean my house :D
18. favorite symbol: hmmm...flourishes and swirls. Does this count?
19. who are you tagging: Bre, Kim B., and Melle
January 4, 2009 at 3:40 PM
Im doing it!! :]]