the BLAHS  

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Ever have those days (or in some cases, weeks) where nothing seems to go right?
I'm having one of those.
Can't really pinpoint why I feel this way, but I do.

The DH is driving me freaking insane!!
Bo is too loud! Not to mention, she's SO whinny!
Syd is definitely my "light at the end of the tunnel", but
even she has been a smart mouth!
Work sucks (need I say more?)!!
And, I swear, I can't get anything accomplished!!

I just have the blahs...

Good news, though, I am going on Syd's field trip to the butterfly museum tomorrow!
Possibly some good, inspiration.
Bringing the camera, of course!
you can actually purchase a chrysallis (or two) to bring home....
then, watch it hatch.
SO doing that!!

Gonna try to post some pictures on my blog this weekend.
went to the beach last weekend in search of
Found 4.
Only 4.
But, that's four more than I've found before!!
Had a great time.
Got a better tan.

Well, I'm off. To bed that is.
tired, and I have a long day ahead of me tomorrow!

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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Everyone knows that Donna Downey rocks! She is totally all inspiring and the fact that she likes vampire smut makes her so much better! Not to mention, her friendly personality and zany sense of humor!

I got to meet her at CHA this summer in Orlando! She's great!! Anyways, I dropped by her blog today, and look what I found! Marianne of Pickled Pear Lane has donated these wonderful fat quarters to be given away to one lucky person chosen off of Donna's blog!

So, I am keeping my fingers crossed, as this awesome fabric would look great in a project I am cooking up!!

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