Friday, January 16, 2009

Found this great blog template on the AWESOME Rhonna Farrer's blog. This is too cool! Rhonna is so talented, and she is truly such an inspiration! I must admit, I have inspired but not as much as recently. Thanks to Rhonna starting up a blog again!

I am currently at a scrapbook crop, and I am sitting here playing on my computer. See, Rhonna? I am INSPIRED! And, I must admit, I am having fun. Having a little trouble trying to type and talk at the same time, but I am having fun!

Well, off to create. Time to put the blog away!

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And the Christmas picture  

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

OK! Since everyone who I sent a Christmas card to has seen this, I figured I would post my absolutely favorite picture! I took the girls out to take the annual Christmas picture ~ I must admit, it is the ONLY Christmas tradition I do with any regularity each year. Though, I think one year, I took the picture, and due to time constraints, I didn't mail out the cards.

Anyhoo...This was the AWESOME picture.....(drum roll, please)......

I am SO happy with the way it turned out. In fact, just last night, I played around with it (AGAIN), printed out the picture, and put it into a frame. And for those of you into digital scrapbooking, I made a kick-butt transparent frame, which I mounted to the glass around the opening of the picture. It is SO me!

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I've been tagged...  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Got tagged by Kristy...So, here goes.

1. name: Nita
2. birthday: December 7
3. wear silver or gold: silver
4. favorite restaurant: Ming's Dynasty in Orlando. They have the BEST dim-sum!!
5. favorite junk food: I love all junk food!
6. favorite candybar: Does it have to be a candy bar? I'm not really a candy bar type-person. I like Godiva truffles!
7. favorite candy: Um, Godiva truffles! Oh, and Lindt milk chocolate balls!
8. favorite store: target, michaels, hobby lobby, griffins
8.5 favorite online store: designer digitals and a million little things
9. do you collect anything: my husband says "junk".
10. favorite movie: HELLO? Twilight!
11. favorite book: TWILIGHT SERIES and the Harry Potter Series
12. something you could never get enough of: craft supplies. books. new plants for my garden.
13. favorite band: My music taste varies. I honestly could not narrow it down to just one.
14. favorite indulgence: starbucks
15. something you never buy yourself but want: a real diamond ring....1 carat....emerald cut. I SO will NEVER see this. The DH does not believe in jewelry. He'd get me a new camera, and honestly, that would be fine with me.
16. favorite color: red.
17. something you are wishing for right now: some new digital brushes, a silver beaded necklace from Target, and a camera lens. Oh, and someone to clean my house :D
18. favorite symbol: hmmm...flourishes and swirls. Does this count?
19. who are you tagging: Bre, Kim B., and Melle

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

HAPPY NEW YEAR! And, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little bro, who is 20 this year. Wow! Does time fly by fast or what? And, speaking of time.....

A few friends of mine, Kristy and Yvonne, have chosen a word to live by for 2009. This is based on Ali Edwards yearly word challenge. I think it's a great concept. For the last few years, I considered joining in the challenge, but I felt I never could commit to this. But this year, I have decided to join the challenge. So, my word for 2009 is TIME. It seems as if time is something that goes by so quickly. It always seems as if I never have enough time. For myself. For my family. For my friends. This year, I am seriously going to try to prioritize the things in my life, and I am going to strive to make more time for my family and most especially, for myself.

I have really wanted to begin a small photography business for a while now, and I admit, I just don't have enough faith in myself to go through with it. This year, I am really going to try to focus more on my photography hobby. I want to take more pictures. So, I feel as if I need to set a goal for myself. I want to take at least 50 pictures that I am truly, absolutely, positively happy with. Whether it be of my kids, which tend to be the subject of my pictures, my nieces and nephews, or my friends and their kids. I want to do this. I want to strive to be a better photographer. If I never get discovered as a supremely awesome scrapbooker, and honestly, if someone said I sucked at it, I would be completely OK with that. But, I would LOVE to be known as a supremely fantastic photographer. I would LOVE to be this areas Tara Whitney. She's fantastic! I would so love to have my pictures taken by her! Maybe someday! Like the DH would really let me do that!! But, one can dream, huh?

I also am really going to strive to be a better blogger. To post more pictures. To scrapbook my families memories more often, and to post those layouts! And, I'd really like to get the projects around my house in order. This will definitely happen slowly but surely. Such is life! But, if I can spend more time with my girls, then, I will definitely be accomplishing something in this new year!!

********* Wishing you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!! *********

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