Thankful Friday  

Friday, May 7, 2010

My friend, Yvonne, had a great idea. Not that she doesn't have them, but
this one is a good one.
She's blogging once a week about 5 things she is thankful for.
And, I will try (we know how that goes).
I am always thankful for my friends and family. You all mean so much to me, BUT...
I admit, I'm not going to bring you up every week.
If I do, I'm afraid no one will want to read my blog anymore because
they'll be SO sick of reading about you! :D
This week, I am thankful for:
- a good meeting on Monday,
- being able to go and see Alice in Wonderland, AGAIN, with daughter #2,
- an uneventful visit to the dentist with Bo,
- actually being able to sleep through the night,
- finding out I am going to Cabo San Lucos on an ALL EXPENSE paid trip in one month!!!
(tell me this one isn't the best?)

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1 comments: to “ Thankful Friday

  • Yvonne
    May 8, 2010 at 7:44 AM  

    glad you took time to do the thankful excited for you to go to CABO...I think it will be just what you need to recharge, soul search, and get ready to start your new life!